Collage too?

Having a mother who is into fashion magazines and has a preference for printed media I grew up around  a lot of magazines and newspapers. I always wanted my own so  as a young teen I would buy magazines which started off as young teen issues and then grew into indie fashion magazines. 

The collating started when I would want to redecorate  something, like a notebook, a box,   even making a paperbag into a more solid bag to be used as a bin by papermache. I later discovered collageing at school and  the passion grew from there. I still cover many different things in print and from time to time make a meaningful collage. 

I love collage as I find it is a fantastic form of expression. The fact you can take someone else’s work and rework it to create a new meaning is a lot of fun. I don’t cut up all my magazines but when I do I flick through to find inspiration which then leads to a theme. Then with the theme in mind I’m then on the hunt for the relevant images, words or letters to complete my work.

Magazine regulars: i-D, Wonderland, Another, Positive news, Adbusters